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Christopher A Greener

10/05/1989 – 05/21/2023

Christopher “Chris” Alan Greener was born on October 5, 1989, in Elko, Nevada. From a very young age, Chris always loved the country way of life. He would spend summers at his grandparents' ranch in Ruby Valley, Nevada. Chris most often had a rope in his hand, and if he wasn’t roping a fence post, he was tying something up (once, he tied his mom’s ankle to the piano without her knowing). Chris’s favorite movie was 8 Seconds. As he grew older, he developed a passion for riding bulls, and he did just that! Chris loved ranch animals, particularly horses. He often found solace in church on the back of a horse, riding out in God’s country. It was a form of therapy for him. As a teenager, Chris enjoyed wrestling, cross country, and FFA in high school. He excelled in school and graduated with an advanced degree.

While still in high school, Chris joined the Nevada National Guard. He eventually deployed with his brother, Dustin, to Afghanistan for one year. Chris served twelve years in the National Guard and departed as a Sergeant E5.

Chris’s siblings describe him best as someone who was always willing to help when asked and able. He supported his nieces and nephews with fundraisers, always giving them more so they could reach the next goal – after all, as he would say, “It’s just money.” Chris had a huge heart. He also had a cantankerous side, loving to terrorize and play pranks on his siblings. As his brother said, “You definitely couldn’t trust him when you were in the shower, as he was always pushing boundaries for a good laugh.” Eventually, he started teasing his nieces and nephews to the point of tears, but now that is what they miss most about Uncle Chris. Family was very important to Chris, but the person most dear to him was his daughter, Isla, whom he loved so very much!

We miss him – we miss the conversations and the feeling of being in the same room with Chris. We miss calling his name and having it answered. We miss the cut-off phone calls because he was too busy working with his animals. We miss the smile he had on his face when he was loving on his little munchkin and hearing her laugh and say, “Stop, Dada.” We miss the hugs and the "I love you's."

Eventually, Chris succumbed to PTSD and depression, resulting in his death by suicide on May 21, 2023, at the young age of 33. Chris is survived by his daughter, Isla; his parents, Rick and Wendy; his siblings, Sandra, William, Chandra, Alisha, Dustin, Richie, Saila, and Trevor; his grandmother, Marge Warmbrodt; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews; his best friends, Geno Tanner and Sam Anderson, as well as many other family and friends.

It’s not that the pain and struggles he was facing are erased. It’s that we are now learning how to help carry out his unspoken struggles. Chris left a void in each of us that will never be replaced. Chris had so much love to give and just wanted to be loved back.

The thing about suicide is that there is no guide on how to act afterward. There is no blueprint on how to move forward without the person in your life or how to grieve them. It’s as if you started watching a series in its prime and are left with a cliffhanger where the story will never be written.

So, in memory of Chris, our family tries our best to continue his story for him.

Christopher “Chris” Alan Greener 10/05/1989 – 05/21/2023

Christopher A Greener
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